Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Hello everyone! This blog will discuss what we need to think or do to make our lives better. Hey, I know this is a little general but who knows what comes up and what resources we can gather as a result of our intention. This will discuss anything except what is of a prurient or destructive nature. We have a lot of brainy persons here who would like to share their experiences of success or health tips or even small actions that can make a big difference. Let me kickstart this blog with an excerpt from my book which is on the way to being published.

"Whose permission do you need to dream? Only your own. But do you dare to? Do you assume that your dreams are impossible and so close out possibilities even before they can form themselves in the realm of thought? The possibilities created by your mind are endless and they need to be given energy to become reality. How does one give energy to one's dreams? It starts with believing in the possibility, living the possibility and then taking action steps to make it happen. Each of us assumes that the way to make things happen is to start with the doing and then to have and then to be that which we dream of being. The Universe has a different idea. It starts with being and then doing before having. We have any number of examples of great people who used to dream and then make things happen by the doing. Kekulé was working on the structure of the Benzene molecule which is now well known to any high school student. He kept working without understanding what the molecular structure was. One day he dreamt of a snake eating its tail and this was the Aha moment for him. He was able to comprehend and later communicate the structure of benzene to the rest of the world. What does this tell us? Quite a few things really. All the doing did not get Kekulé the structure. The dream which was done when his mind relaxed and let go brought to him that which he was seeking.

So dream on for only by dreaming can we hope to go beyond the 'obvious' which is a limitation we impose on ourselves. Let us now see how we can dream in a more structured manner much as this would appear to be a contradiction in terms. Each of us has needs and desires. Some of them are what we have, what we would like to have based on our present perception of reality and the stuff that dreams are really made of, the outrageous impossibilities. How does one dream like Kekulé ? Providing the answers to life's little problems through dreams. Here is a little technique that I recommend for making your subconscious do all the work while you relax. Keep a pen and paper near your bedside for noting the answers thrown up by your subconscious mind.Before you actually go to sleep, take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax.Now pay a little attention to the problem on hand. Mull over it in your mind briefly as a problem to be solved. Now dismiss it from your mind and go to sleep. When the answer comes to you, note it however crazy it may seem. Go through it with your conscious mind to see how you can put it to actionThis technique can be used for pretty much any problem one encounters in life and it works because the subconscious is an extremely powerful source of knowledge and wisdom. It is a storehouse of a huge amount of information and can use all this information to get the kind of output one wants.There are some rules that need to be followed before one uses the subconscious for problem solving. Feed only the problem to the subconscious. Having done that get your conscious mind out of the way (this is the difficult part). Why is this recommended? Since one is handing over the problem to your subconscious that taps into a large repository or one which is a higher power, prompting it will actually slow down the working. It is akin to putting down a problem in a spreadsheet and trying to prompt the computer to bring out an outcome that you desire! This is so plainly stupid that you would not even try to do it. However, the subconscious is an infinitely more powerful computer than the best and fastest of supercomputers. Using the subconscious can certainly bring you quick results and guide you provided, you get your conscious mind out of the way

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